We are committed to provide our guests with ultimate luxury with innovative facilities and outstanding service.
Our people form the core of our services, values and strengths. We take immense pride in our employees and we provide them with ample opportunity to develop themselves in their careers with the resort. Together, we create a strong and dedicated team that is resolute and unwavering in our quest to become a premier resort destination in Southeast Asia.
Please send us an email at careers@nexusresort.com with the following:
Title of Job(s) You’re Interested In (Email Subject)
Full Name
Contact No.
Expected Monthly Salary (MYR)
Job Position(s) Interested
Soonest Availability
C.V. / Resume (pdf format)
Human Resource Department
Nexus Resort Karambunai
Off Jalan Sepangar Bay,
Locked Bag 100, 88993 Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia.